Not on team #JanuaryWhole30 this month? This new PDF guide I created provides th…

Not on team #JanuaryWhole30 this month? This new PDF guide I created provides the framework for an alternative to the all-or-nothing mindset of #whole30. Its a regimen Ive perfected over the past 2 years that works for me every.single.time. Better sleep a lighter feeling weight loss & freedom from food cravings. And mostly importantly no deprived feelings due to a nourishing high-fat approach. This is a Paleo-style cleanse designed to give your body a reset in just 5 short days! By the end youll feel amazing and will have completely forgotten the overindulgence of the past month. I did one just before Christmas so not needing one this month. But I do them periodically throughout the year to give my digestion a rest and be more intentional around my eating. You can download a copy via the link in my profile. Clink the top link Free Paleo PDF Resources and scroll down to the 5-Day Paleo Reset image matching this one (itll be the 5th one). Click Download and enter your email to get a copy!

Source by agallardo


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